Monthly Archives: January 2025

Epiphany Announcements for January 27
The flowers in the Sanctuary are to the Glory of God and in loving memory of a dear mother Marion and father Jack Plumridge given with love by the children and grandchildren.
*We paid our apportionment $19,571.00 in full for 2024. Thank you.
*Meat & Veggie Pie. Delicious. Some still available pies Barb at 519-680-0649. Deposited $2070. Costs $1100. Made 970.00 so far. Thank you.
*Trivia Night – for Hall lights. Thank You!
*Country Style Turkey Dinner
Saturday February 22 at 5:30 PM. Our head chefs are Kate our Red Seale Chef. And Denise from the Flying M. A Good Idea: People are buying a table for people they would like to have to dinner.
Enjoy a delicious classic turkey dinner with all the fixings. Experience the warmth and charm of a country dinner in the middle of the city. Dinner music by Amy Barton on fiddle & Stephen on piano. Tickets: $25.00. Compared to Londonlicious See Adam for tickets, 519-615-2210.
*Hall Infrastructure: Another Miracle for Epiphany! We are making our church viable heading into the future by making our hall an useful venue for the arts community. In five days we reached raised $8000 to buy additional risers for the hall, before the price of aluminum goes up. We continue to fundraise for theatre lights for the hall; we are currently just over half way to reach the goal of $12000. Please talk to Adam for more information.
*Painting Raffle: We are selling $5 tickets for a raffle of the painting Winter at Port Stanley by Alfred Thomas. There are 125 tickets and once they are all sold, we will raffle the painting. Proceeds to hall infrastructure.
*New Furnace. After 25 years, our old inefficient furnace in the basement needed replacing. $6000.00 Thank you George, Ken.
*Remember our food cupboard. Butch 519-615-9106.
*Mint smoothies Sandra $3
*There are three ways to support our church. Volunteering at events. Generosity. Prayer. Our church is a team
*Craft Club. Third Saturday at 10 a.m. Starting in February. All welcome.
*Cancelled stamps. Gloria Thompson
*Rinsed empty drink containers Dan Davies

Bible Readings for January 26
Nehemiah 8:1-3,5-6,8-10
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Luke 4:14-21