Monthly Archives: November 2020

With loving family and supportive friends holding hands together, and in the comfort of her own home, Sonia Florence O’Donnell ( nee Abuchan ) slipped away from this beautiful earth and quietly entered into God’s care on Monday November 16th, 2020.
As per Sonia’s wishes cremation will be taking place.
Sonia was predeceased by her first husband, Sigmund Pfaffinger of Kitchener, ON. And, also by her second husband, Hugh Joseph O’Donnell of London, ON. Her beloved younger sister, Sandy Thompson, passed away in 2013 and was profoundly missed. Sandy was survived by her wonderful husband H. Alan Thompson of Vancouver, B. C. Al remains an excellent uncle and mentor to both of Sonia’s sons.
Sonia was an understanding, loving and caring mother to both Nic Pfaffinger of Kitchener and to Eric Pfaffinger and his partner Donna White of Waterloo.
She was the proud and devoted Nanny to her grandson Joe Pfaffinger and his partner Samantha Newman of Kitchener. And, to grandson Tyler Pfaffinger, currently studying at Fanshawe College in London, and to grandson Benjamin Pfaffinger, currently studying at York University in Toronto.
Sonia was a Christian, a Registered Nurse, a friendly, reliable and engaged neighbour, a committed volunteer, a Master Gardener, an opera lover, an animal lover, a prolific reader and was well known as a generous friend to many. She was reluctant to liken her
obituary to her resume, and so her various milestones and many accomplishments will not be mentioned here. Perhaps those stories and memories can be best shared at a small memorial service to be held at ” The Church of the Epiphany “, 11 Briscoe Street in London on Thursday Dec 10th, 2020 at 12 noon.
The Reverend Teresa Corrigan will conduct the service and if you wish to attend or to say a few words at that time, please contact her at 519-671-0577 or
As Sonia has planned, there will be a reception after church at “The Idlewyld Inn” at 36 Grand Ave., in London. Maps and directions are available for those who require them. And all Health Unit Covid-19 guidelines will be in effect.
When you speak of Sonia, speak not with tears, for thoughts of her should not be sad. Let memories of the times you shared give you comfort, for Sonia’s life was richer because of YOU whom she loved so deeply and so dearly.
The 103rd version of the service of Remembrance at the cenotaph was a little different this year. We were restricted to a maximum of 25 people all properly distanced. We wound up with precisely 25. To start the ceremony we were treated by a flyby by a C130 Hercules (the aircraft Ron flew in the RCAF). Rev. Teresa read In Flanders Fields. Ron did the Act of Remembrance. Dan lowered the flag during the Last Post. Altogether the service lasted about 15 minutes. Here are some pictures of the event.