Monthly Archives: December 2021

Shine a Blue Light – In honour of Alexandra Stemp


Shine a Blue Light


It’s not what you want to think about

this time of year

It’s not what you want to think about


but here it is, an exquisite young life

cut short

by unimaginable tragedy

This beautiful young girl,


the result of a terrible accident.


What could be better for a young girl

than a Girl Guide Brownie meeting

with friends, teachers, leaders?

Who could have known a safe

supervised walk home would result

in such tragedy?


Light up a blue candle.

Shine a blue spotlight on your porch.

Tie a blue ribbon on your lamp post.

Say a prayer for little Alexandra;

and another for her family;

and another for the emergency crews

that attended and gave such loving care

to little Alexandra.

And, find it in your heart

to say another for the driver of the car

that ended a bright young life

in such a tragic way.