All Saints Safe Home

All Saints
At the firehall three bells indicates all safe home. At Epiphany on all saints day we ring our bell as each name on our All Saints list is read. When everyone’s name has been read we ring the bell three times to indicate all safe home.
Here is our All Saints List
Rae Whittington
Stan Whittington
Catherine Whittington
Billy Whittington
Barb and Ross Turner
Bill and Mary Whale
Les and Ethel Whittington
Robert and Marjorie Williams
Robert Williams
Lindsay Williams
James and Susan Whittington
Burt and Goldie Black
Russ Bell
Jack Davies
Ken O’Liari
Eleanor O’Liari
Keith Lindsay
Gerald, Doug, Robert
Randy and Ricky Gillan
Leo and Catherine Corrigan Patrick Corrigan
Diane Buie
Ben and Gert Smallman
Stew and Molly Tack
Helen Jamieson
Cameron Jean and Douglas Stewart
Don Mildred and Donna McColl
Marion Lyons
Melba and Tony Zanni
Glenn Whittington
Betty Whittington
Susan Christensen
Janet Whalls
Fred and Janet Haskell
Laura Freeman
Mary, John and David Sylvester
George and Delores Walker
Bob Bonnell
Ernie, Thelma, Bill and Helen Brereton
Theo Joyes
Annie and Howard Aldington
Vic Thompson
Kathy Roedding
Tracy Aldington
Keith and Doreen Winterton
Bert and Mabel Winterton
John and Alta Wilson
Florence and Bill Brock
Ellen Brereton
Joe Bowman
Cliff Varey
Ted Varey
Peter Scott
Jean-Pierre Tremblay
Daniel and Helen Bonner
Florence and Willis Ball
Ev Sweet
Robert “Bob” Cyril England
Phyllis Mennell
Joyce Gillan
Donald Hawkins
June Ball
Dianne Walker Barfett
Lisa Aldington
Raymona Joyes
Fred Bowman
Norman Watterton
Monneen Elliott
Jim Maguire
Norma June Barr
Sonia O’Donnell
Esther Holowitz
Junne Boucher
Jeanne Heighway
Fred and Esther Holowitz
Valerie Jean Lenore Nesbitt
Fred and Marion Rice
Mary Bosley
Helen Johnson
Jack Black
Jack Phoenix
Kim Pargeter
Norman Laird Ball
Connie Chatterson