Monthly Archives: June 2021

Our Prayers go out to our Muslim Brothers and Sisters



The Church of the Epiphany the Little Church that Cares has lowered the flag in our Cenotaph in honour of our Muslim brothers and sisters who were so senselessly attacked recently in our great city.

Our Prayers go out for you



Our prayers

Our prayers are for the young and the innocent.

Our prayers are for the souls leaving us too soon

                                                way to early.

Our prayers are for the lonely

                                    for the souls left behind.

Our prayers are for the grief, for the tears

                                    for the sadness.

Our prayers are for time

                                    time to heal

                                    time to love

                                    time to remember all that is good.

Our prayers are for you

                                    for the laughter

                                    for the happiness

                                    for the joy yet to come.

Our prayers are for you.